27 times: the genesis poetic nft collection by karsen daily

from conception to collaboration, content and token mechanics, and everything in between; the drop that took nearly a year to produce, explained.

Karsen Daily
6 min readFeb 16, 2022

hi, thanks for coming. this is the story of 27 times. i’ve been writing it in my head for a while, so bear with me.

27 times is a heartcoded crypto art experience & genesis nft collection, including 27 pieces of my original poetry.

27 times leverages the blockchain to make logic emotional, and emotions logistic.

i wrote a journal entry on 12/20/2020, with a list of my fears.

it’s all still true, and it’s the reason this drop exists.

the blockchain is a transparent transaction ledger. it’s a public storage unit of data, tokens, wins, and losses.

the blockchain’s best kept secret is you. and me. and every beating heart protected by a public key and cryptographic code.

the blockchain might allow you to hide who you are, but you can never hide from who you are.

blockchain technology adopted trust from humans, not the other way around.

i used to think crypto culture could heal the parts of us pop culture hurt.

i have since observed and experienced enough to know better.

the tech is only as honest and trustworthy as the users.

the commodification of creativity and community has not left the building just as a new technology has emerged. the participants, builders, and users must be motivated to pursue a revolution in order to create revolutionary models.

27 times is a personal statement. the entire experience was developed to reinforce, or reintroduce the philosophy of the blockchain. every touchpoint is situated in collaboration, creative autonomy, emotional transparency and intentionality.

if i could have any superpower, it would be supernatural grace.

i tend to feel overwhelmingly inclined to share every single thing i’m thinking, with anyone in earshot. it’s completely uncontained and chaotic.

grace is the achilles heel of chaos.

why am i telling you this? because to understand this drop, you have to understand me.

i give grace to myself & others in the words i write, rather than speak.

my poetry is a transaction ledger in its own right; recording exchanges of emotional currency.

(the receipts make sense now, yeah?)

i am not oblivious to the idea that sharing this poetry might contradict the character of me. 27 times has allowed me to microdose detachment from the multidimensionality of who i am, and who i am perceived to be.

27 times is the blueprint for breaking my heart, on-chain.

i can’t write poetry without people whom i grow to love– minting it is no different.

27 artists were given a poem as a prompt to create something new.

there is no deeper commitment than an immutable, on-chain collaboration.

it cost zero $ETH to exchange value through art and love: this is a community built on the foundation of trust.

off-chain trust must be protected, on-chain.

the blockchain is a limitless global economy backed by a universal transaction ledger.

as an open infrastructure, it supports the separation of emotional reaction from logical operability in decision making via the smart contract.

in order to leverage this technology to reconstruct contemporary social and emotional stratifications, and dismantle power hierarchies, we must maintain the emotional integrity of logic operability.

the smart contract is a self-enforcing agreement embedded in computer code managed by the blockchain.

the code is a set of rules that both parties agree too in order to interact with each other. if the rules are followed, the agreement is automatically enforced.

27 times is programmed by a vow defined in the heartcode, protecting both parties from emotional-transaction failures and unfilled interpersonal agreements.

the heartcode is a protocol designed to verify off-chain trust, and protect on-chain commitment.

we rely on trust to interact with each other, 27 times requires it.

i am an artist, not an atm. my self worth cannot be measured in $ETH.

however, the more i fall in love, the more i create. the more i create, the more i love myself. the more i love myself, the more i have to give.

the heartcode is an airdrop roadmap.

27 airdrops are guaranteed in the first year following the drop. the airdrops are different tokens entirely; collectors are free to do whatever they want, whenever they want to with the airdropped tokens.

with the exception of 27 dates in the first year, my genesis tokens are non-transferrable.

the blockchain does not dissolve our responsibility to be authentic, emotional, and nurturing humans. web2 created an entire class inauthenticity, psychological trauma, and creative inhibition.

web3 created an entire class of emerging artists, liberated creatives, and visionary builders.

i am of the latter.

i should probably include the drop details, token mechanics, and less-existential shit.

it’s mostly right here: www.27times.xyz but here’s some more.

the 1/1 ERC-721 tokens will be minted on the ethereum blockchain, with a custom smart contract developed using manifold studio.

the auction begins on february 18th at 12am est, or february 17th at 9pm if you’re on the west coast. there is no minimum bid or set reserve.

on february 19th, an open edition sale for an ERC-1155 token will open for 24 hours. the 1155 tokens will be redeemable for a physical art book.

OpenSea is hosting the auction on a custom built and branded micro-platform.

you can see the poetry here. if you’re reading this before february 16th, i wasn’t supposed to share this yet so keep it to yourself.

the collaborative artwork can be found twitter and on the 27 times website. the reveal videos will be released whenever i feel like it.


following the close of the auction, the metadata will be updated to include the collaborative work on the item listing via opensea.

the drop will be celebrated in person at an event produced by artcade @ fred segal in los angeles.


some people i’d like to thank

megan: my rock, my dev, my editor, my paparazzi and body guard and best friend. you are the smartest person i know.

eyelids & freedoom: you made my feelings art.

andrew wang: thanks for giving me a platform to share my story

supertight woody: your level of chill is often concerning, but mostly comforting.

barry: for risking his life by giving me feedback on this post.

jackson, kureshee, reign, darling, caden, gevol gvng, entire gm house crew, manifold team, alexander, kartik, bobby kim, rug hub & tech, phunks, fellaz, and everyone i gifted a remittance token to.

artists that set the bar like alpha centauri kid, claire silver, nathan beer, jake the degen, josie bellini, trippy, gremplin, betty & psyche, sean bonner, latashá, ryder ripps, nadya tolokno and more.

some people i’ll never thank

all the fake ass motherfuckers i put on in the last year.

